Feb 21, 2022

Terrace Houses - Numbers

The Community of Brougham Street, Kings Cross distanced themselves from the bohemians and beatniks; poets, artists, actors, witches, the transvestites, drug addicts and prostitutes. The likes of Beattie Miles, Rosaleen Norton, Lee Gordon were .. 'not from 'ere, muttered my father.

Little did we know that 'e' was not right in the 'ed'! The evil lived in our home.

Brougham Street houses were referred to by either the family surname or by their numbers. Eighty-two (82) was the most interesting, the house changed occupants frequently. The Kellys who I have mentioned earlier, were followed by the The Smiths. Mr and Mrs Smith were from Malta, their children soon found a niche in Brougham Street. Charlie, George, Mary were at a working age. Coming in at age ten and eleven, Alex and Ronnie became my companions. Little Richard teamed up with my sister Kristine aged four.). I was not pleased when The Smiths moved out, however when the Beatniks moved in I was most impressed.


mandy said...

It was definitely one hell ova neighbourhood Lynne....

diane b said...

A very colourful background. My mum used to tell me stories about B. Miles. She was often admitted to "Reception House", where my mother worked, or the "loonie bin" as it was known.

Lynne said...

Yes, 'the Reception House' been there .. for a visit that is

mandy said...

Lynne I hope you and the family had a great Christmas...I take it the pc is still down????

Here`s to a better New Year...

Lynne said...

transferred from Musical Notes
whiteangel said...

Hello Minera,
My you have done a ton of work on this blog, and it's lovely.
Thanks for coming to mine, nice to see a comment from you.
Take care, Margaret

12:17 AM
lynne said...
Welcome White Angel glad to have you share my journey ...

Just looking at your blog again, you must do so much researching, to know what you have written about and music you too must really love. I think most of us love music.

Take care,Margaret

9:08 AM
Rudy's Blog said...
Hi Lynne,

I love reading your story. I hope that you keep doing it.You mention so many familiar places and the songs are deeply imbedded in my memories.People are so interesting aren't they ? Cheers Rudy